Wished that I was in the United States more than at this moment right now. Still, IM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN just as much despite that Im currently in Europe.
Tears, goosebumps and overwhleming sense of patriotism has rendered me in the most delightful of moods to start my day. Dont think I could have woken up to better news.
if there is one thing that being abroad has taught me. it is appreciation of other cultures and a better understanding of the world we live in and my role as an individual, as a female, as an American. Especially the last part. Seeing the world from a different viewpoint has really opened my eyes a lot and given me a deeper understanding of what culture is. Theres no doubt America is a superpower- but living and traveling in Europe has really made me seen just how deep our impact is-- from movies to pop culture and music-- history and politics. We certainly have more of a global impact than I ever could have imagined. One of my favorite parts about traveling and meeting people and getting into a good conversation is to ask them what they think of Americans. 100% of the time they have responded with something positive. It has thus become my unofficial mission to make it stay that way. I dont want to be the story someone refers to someday when they are asked by a young American traveler like myself what opinions they hold of Americans. I am always proud of who I am and where I come from, but I am even prouder when I have positive experiences that rebuild my sense of Patriotism. I cannot wait to return to the States and share these kind of moments with future study abroad students. Sure there will be great tales of wild nights in Europe's nightlife.. but I think Id rather share stories of personal growth and offer advice.
I also decided that at some point in my life, I want to do some service work. There are lots of countries/cities/villages that obviously need help all over the world and Id really like to continue with my French skills-- so Ive been thinking about looking into volunteering in Martinique or French Guiana. Im not sure in what capacity I could be of service. But anything would be worthwhile. I just want to pay it forward in someway.