i have decided that i am going to spend my remaining available weekends ..
in Aix. the people are so friendly, the weather is so sunny, my smile is permanent and there are so many things to appreciate.
tuesday was a lovely day and the sun was shining brightly and rather than have class inside.. we got to visit a calisson factory. calissons are the candy specialty of Aix and though theyre not my favorite, of course i would rather go learn about them then sit in a stuffy classroom. so our professor lead us into town near the train station that i have been to almost every day this past week and we learned all about this little place that started as a mom and pop shop nearly 4 generations ago. though the lady spoke rapid and didnt enunciate very well.. i still understood a lot, which is such a testament to my french progress.
voila, les calissons |
consisting of a smooth, pale yellow, homogeneous paste of candied fruit (especially melons and oranges) and ground almonds topped with a thin layer of royal icing Calissons have a texture not unlike that of marzipan, but with a fruitier, distinctly melon-like flavor. Calissons are often almond shaped and are typically about two inches in length. Calissons are traditionally associated with the town of Aix-en-Provence, France, consequently, most of the world supply of calissons are still made in the Provence region. (thanks wikipedia)
me and sweet little Anna! |
so needless to say, my 4 day week started off great. I spent the rest of the afternoon getting some work done and then that night .. i got to babysit!!! this sweet little french family called me a few weeks ago and unfortunately i was not able to help them but i did go by to meet them. they have 2 children, Cesar is 8 and Catalina is 4. Their dad is from St. Lucia and their mom is from Germany .. so, the children are fluent in french, german AND english. talk about impressive. they are so so so cute and live in this charming little apartment. i was so excited they called me again! babysitting is such a favorite of mine. when i got there we chatted for a little bit before she left. it is American week at Cesar's school so they are learning ALL about america, and not just the history and stuff like that.. but about how the American school system works, how to play American football and even how to bake cookies. Seriously, it warmed my heart!! He was so excited and he said he wants to learn to play handball and I told him the next time I came over that we could bake cookies!! So the dad is in london at a conference (he is a professor) and she had to go to a meeting at cesar's school just for an hour or so. Cesar decided to go with her so it was just me and Catalina. i was excited to play barbies and games with her but she wanted to watch toy story 3.. and i could not object! I made her a little snack .. its funny the difference between snack preferences. my little darlings back home like anything from gummy snacks to crackers and cookies .. but Catalina wanted to eat ham. Correction she wanted like 3 pieces of ham. and then she wanted to eat a square of cheese. i believe it was gouda. I love finding little differences like that! The mom was only gone an hour and when she came back she paid me 8 euros.. that is the equivalent of nearly 12 dollars. unbelievable. but hey, im not gonna refuse. that one hour i spent with catalina felt so .. natural. just hanging with a little 4 year old! but honestly it made me soooo sad. it made me really miss all my little neighbors and children back at home. im sure theyre all growing up so much and i miss all their families! my favorite is pulling into my driveway when i come home from school .. and Anna, Carter and Caroline are playing next door and atleast one of them, usually Anna with Caroline on her heels, will come RUNNING into our yard to greet me. oh they make my day!!
mon ami Clare, painting out in the landscape for art |
Last night was a great Tuesday night as usual. It is the night that they offer free champagne for girls at the bars so we always take advantage of that.. naturally. being with all my USC friends in Paris made me really homesick for my friends at home in the states and how we can tell stories and just laugh and laugh .. but it also made me homesick for my friends in Aix. I really love meeting new people and with them.. telling stories is just as fun really because it gives you a chance to learn about them and for them to learn about you. and i dont have to be anyone specific.. i can be whoever i want and i kind of get the feeling that i always do at camp .. that i can just be myself. since they have no prior knowledge of me or preconceived notions or judgments to hold.. and i dont of them .. there is no reason for drama or messyness. (not that my friendships back home are dramatic or messy .. but its just different) also, since we are all here for the same reasons yet come from ALL different places . bonding happens very quick and i feel like ive formed/am forming lasting friendships.
my friend Kat and I after I explained all about Carolina Cup everybody wants to go next year! |