I am officially in my room. in my host family's apartment. in the most adorable and picturesque town in the world. i had a great but very long flight from Atlanta where the plane was maybe half full. so no one sat next to me. score. arriving in paris was very surreal. not to mention my ears still hadnt popped yet so i couldnt hear or comprehend anything. not to mention it was all in french so i couldnt really understand anything anyways. it was cloudy and gloomy and rainy in paris but as soon as we flew south the sun was shining. marseille is PHENOMENAL. right on the mediterranean sea. from the plane it looked as if we could just jump out and go swimming at any time.
my host family picked me up from the airport. and they had a sign with my name on it which is all i really ever wanted. Robert and Mirielle Ragusa and they are PRECIOUS. Alex is my housemate and she's from Illinois and i adore her already. we are their 28th students theyve hosted. so not only are they pros, but theyre the best Aix has to offer. which made it a total bummer when we stopped at la pharmacie for some cough syrup for madame, and monsieur Robert ended up going to the hospital. Hes alright but they wanted to check him out. what a great start.
madame took us home while the ambulance took robert, and our apartment is to die for. its on the top floor of this beautiful complex with lovely balconies. madame makes bread every morning, and i have my little room and alex is right next door. there's a terrace for tea and they have lots of fun knick nacks and a puppy named poncho. ive been here less than 3 hours and i am already in love.